Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The birth of bigheart-lff

Hmmmm, how do i start.....
ok, so lets do it the "uncle Jimi Sholanke's storyline" kinda thin.
I grew up in a very big home with 7 kids and i'm the last. no step bros or sis, at least dat i know of. My dad was in d Navy for 34 or more yrs and mom was a full time hardworkin housewife but as una no say country bad dat time, thins were kinda tight growin up, so dere was no luxury of 3 sq meals, 2 self was war, but thank God for Ijebu garri n d farm at d back of my house. It was so bad that when i went to my friend's house and they complain of small meat or fish in their food, i would ask if xmas had come early, cos even my dad hardly use meat to eat eba(his favorite) not to talk of rice n all....
We didnt know what pocket money was and never got one. As university students, all we got was school fees and house rent after plenty prayer n fastin n fight self.
Today, I'm in a beautiful place in Canada and i'm loving every moment of it. I eat what I want, I try to never disapoint with my dressing (a sis has got to be on point), i'm working and I love my job and I try to send some change home every now and then to help those that dont have.
All of these would not have being possible for me and my silblings without that foot print that was left in our lives. A sister, a friend, an angel with the little she had touched our lives and today I am standing up determined with a big help from God to help me leave a footprint in the lives of hungry kids on the street, disabled and even people from poor homes with the little I have.
That's where you all come in.
This blog is going to be about kids in need, a little bit of here and there gist of happenings around the globe and how all of this will end up helping Naija kids.
Comments, suggestions, donations, gists, stories are all welcomed.
Welcome to bigheart-leave a footprint foundation(l.f.f)

1 comment:

  1. woaw, i'm stunned at ur history. i just stumbled across ur page n i'm hooked.i love d story n d uncle jimi pt broght bk history beautiful name for ur foundation, is it up n running? my sis, kip bein on point oh, its needed. i like d way u started wit the whole humor and all, kip it up and i'm sure God will see u thru n ur lff. advise: dont stop bein who u re, keep d dream alive n amuse us on ur page
